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Jumat, 22 April 2011

Kamis, 21 April 2011

paket warnet

Paket warnet berupa paket ekonomis utuk memulai usaha warnet, ekonimis atau exsekutif paketnya tergantung bugjet yang anda miliki, beberapa sebagian dari kita ingin menjalankan usaha ini namun terbentur dengan dana yang dimiliki!!!...dari bisnis warnet. maju atau tidaknya pun nanti akan terbentur dengan masalah dana pula yang pada akhirnya adalah seputar dana itu sendiri....
namun paling minimal dari bugjet yang anda miliki, setidaknya harus memiliki bugjet untuk pembelian 5 Personal Computer(PC), 4 PC digunakan sebagai inventaris usaha 1 PC sebagai admin/server/billing entah apa sebagian orang menyebutnya untuk yang 1 pc tersebut, Saya menyebutnya "Biling" sebab banyak perdebatan pada server itu sendiri "SERVER" sebagian orang bisa saja berangapan sesuatu yang lebih mahal lebih Wah dari PC yang lain. saya sebut Billing, karna di PC tersebut terinstall Billing Server sebuah aplikasi biling warnet, masalah PCnya saya mengunakan "Celleron II 400mhz" kenapa.... itu hanya sebagai billing untuk memonitor ativitas client baik waktunya, harganya, atau apapun yang terkait dalam usaha warnet itu sendiri. jadi akan lebih okonomis lagi jika billing itu dengan pc yang kauh lebih murah, namun semua kembali pada niat dan tujuan anda..
kenapa ekonomis? 1 memang harganya kirasan segitu (boleh search, boleh tanya sama teman, bole tanya sama siapapun, whatever!)
2. gue belum punya mobil buat angkut tu barang ketempat situ, jadi perlu sewa buat angkutin barang pesanannya.
3. gue ngak kerja sama sama speed, itu masalah anda tinggal bilang sama providernya mau masang internet, kalau belum ada akses internet asal jangan bilang aja mau buka warnet. menurut pengalaman jadi agak susah kalau ngak ada uang ini itu.
4. OS Operating Sistem WINDOMIE XX pastinya ngak legal asli bajakan jadi gue juga ngak tanggung jawab masalah Operasi OS, asal jangan buka ditempat umum atau di pinggir jalan besar, kalau takut ya tambahin aja per PC 1,3 jt atau 1.5 juta untuk beli OS legal. tanya dulu kalau mau intall OS sama si XXX, coba tanya Ori atau Bajakan, Berani ngasih Garansi ke aslianya bila terjadi apa-apa, seperti registrasi, dan sweeping OS...Untuk ORI 1 PC 1 OS  Kalau Bajakan 1 OS 1000 PC kalau kuat buat kloningnya...
5. Billing Explorer yang gue pakai yang lebih banyak digunakan dan mudah cara menggunakannya, coba tanya juga sama si XXX berapa kalau isntall Billing. gue Gratisin cuma istall billing aja pakai bayar, usaha juga belum uda banyak bugjet yang harus dikeluarin (gue juga pas-pasan).
6. Pikir Baik-baik gue bicara secara niat usaha dan bugjet kalau situ kebanyakan bugjet buat gue ngak masalah. kalau merasa ini bukan sebuah masalah buat situ, dan dapat dikendalikan  dan situasi dan kondisi usahanya nanti, Why Not !!!
7. Untung - Rugi, Maju - Mundurnya Usaha bukan urusan gue. Bisnis Online menggiurkan, Iya buanget, ""dalam sudut pandang dan keadaan seperti apa "".

 *catatan harga dibawah ini sebagai perincian dasar, pada intinya ada biaya pemasangan installasi kabel lan hingga proses test secara allin include 1,5 jt (1.500.000) dari harga yang di yang ada. contoh spek 6.500.000 harga dasar specknya adalah kurang lebih 5 jtan. Tool yang harus gue sediakan seperti swith hub kabel lan dll, onkos kirim jakarta-tangerang-bekasi (jatabek).

Paket Warnet + Setup OS (Non Ori)
5 set PC (4PC untuk Client + 1 untuk Billing ) sudah termasuk instal client dan billing 
"Nb" akses internet " 512 kbps" (speedy)
Paket Std Super Eko (Second)
Paket Std Eko (Second)
M/B 478 Pentium IV
M/B 478 Pentium IV
Intel Pentium IV (1.8)
Intel Pentium IV (2.26)
Hdd 20 GB
Hdd 40 GB
Memory 512
Memory 512
VGA shared 32 mb
VGA shared 32 mb
Casing ATX 450 W Std
Casing ATX 450 W Std
Mouse Optic /Keyboard std / MousePad
Mouse Optic /Keyboard std / MousePad
+Monitor CRT 2nd 17″6,500,000
+Monitor CRT 2nd 17″7,450,000
+Monitor CRT Baru (Evio, Advance,dll)7,450,000
+Monitor CRT Baru (Evio, Advance,dll)8,400,000
+LCD 16″ Baru (PowerMax)8,550,000
+LCD 16″ Baru (PowerMax)9,500,000
+LCD 18.5″ Baru (BenQ)10,150,000
+LCD 18.5″ Baru (BenQ)11,100,000
Paket Game OL Eko A (second)
Paket Game OL Eko B (second)
M/B 775 Pentium IV
M/B 775 Pentium IV
Intel IV 2.8 Ghz
Intel IV 3.02 Ghz
Hdd 80 GB
Hdd 80 GB
Memory 1Gb
Memory 1Gb
VGA 128
VGA 256
Casing ATX 450 W Std
Casing ATX 450 W Std
Mouse Optic /Keyboard std / MousePad
Mouse Optic /Keyboard std / MousePad
+Monitor CRT 2nd 17″9,200,000
+Monitor CRT 2nd 17″10,600,00
+Monitor CRT Baru (Evio, Advance,Dll)10,450,000
+Monitor CRT Baru (Evio, Advance,Dll)11,750,000
+LCD 16″ Baru (PowerMax)11,350,000
+LCD 16″ Baru (PowerMax)12,650,000
+LCD 18.5″ Baru (BenQ)12,550,000
+LCD 18.5″ Baru (BenQ)13,850,000
Paket Game Online STD Eko A (Baru) Paket Game Online STD Eko B (Baru)
M/B ASUS P5G41 M/B Gigabyte GA-G41
Intel Dual Core 2.2 Ghz Intel Dual Core 2.2 Ghz
Hdd 250 GBSeagate ORI Hdd 250 Giga Seagate ORI
Memory 2 Giga DDR 3 Memory 2 Giga VGEN DDR3
VGA shared Intel 256/512 VGA Card 1 Gb, Gforce
Casing ATX 450 W Std Casing Simbada ATX 450 W
Headset Headset
Mouse optic & Keyboard std + MousePad Mouse optic & Keyboard std + MosePad
Kabel Lan Rg45, Switch, dll Kabel Lan Rg45, Switch, dll
+Monitor CRT Samsung 2nd 17″ 11,500,000
+Monitor CRT Samsung 2nd 17″ 12,280,000
+Monitor CRT Baru (Evio, Advance,dll) 12,150,000
+Monitor CRT Baru (Evio, Advance,dll) 13,525,000
+LCD 16″ Baru (PowerMax) 13,250,000
+LCD 16″ Baru (PowerMax) 14,625,000
+LCD 18.5″ Baru (BenQ) 14,400,000 +LCD 18.5″ Baru (BenQ) 15,525,000
* Update 01April 2011 : harga dapat berubah sewaktu waktu
Kontak Shinyo : 0817888100480

Rabu, 13 April 2011

link idws



                            Index Kumpulan Software di Windows Software


1 CPU untuk 5 monitor bagi yg usaha warnet hemat daya/hemat dana tentunya....!

1st security software 1st privacy tool for windows v7.5.5.4

3D Image Commander 2.0 Portable

3ds max modeling

3DS Max[Tutorial & Resources]

3D World Map 2.1 Full - View 3D Globe OFFLINE!

10 Windows 7 Themes (2010)

12 Theme Window 7

16 Download Managers in 1 Pack

19 Anti Virus Collection 2010

19 Windows 7 Themes

28 Themes of Windows Vienna [Maknyos]

100 Themes For Windows 7

123 Flash Menu v., Software Membuat Menu Flash Untuk Website Atau Blog[MF]

193 Special Flash Templates DVD Pack 470MB (RS) (MU)

350 + Computer Applications

408 Beautiful Styles for Photoshop (2010)

2000 Photoshop Brushes

100,000 Universal Windows XP Drivers [RS]

120.000_Photoshop_Shapes [Maknyos]


@ll about aimp (aimp-aimp2 fans) masuk sini

A-PDF Password Security v1.4.1 + crack

ABBYY FineReader pro 10 ( Image/scan/PDF convert to word, excel, etc )

ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition

Ace Utilities 5 1 0 Build 465 Final portable

Ace Utilities 5.2.3 Final + Portable - The best tools to cleanUp your PC

Acoustica Mixcraft v5.1 Build 139 Remix music more pro

Acronis Backup and Restore with Universal Restore - Bikin Sendiri Windows versi Kamu2

Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Pro Extended[Maknyos]

Adobe.After.Effects.CS4.cupliz13 [IDWS]

Adobe Acrobat Pro X

Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Pro Extended[Maknyos]

Adobe Captive 4[MF]

Adobe Flash Professional CS5 v11.0.0.485 Full Installer and Portable [MF|EU][Files]

Adobe Flash Profesional CS5 Full VERSION [100% work][IDWS]

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended [Direct Download + IDWS]

Adobe InDesign CS4 Full Installer

Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection English (2010) [IDWS][MAKNYOS]

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 v11.0.4909 full key | 307.33 MB

Adobe Illustrator CS5 Portable

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended FINALFiles@Mediafire]

Adobe CS5 Photoshop + Master Collection[MF]

Advance System Care Professional 3.5 Newest !

Advanced RAR Repair(ARAR) (IDWS)

AIO Ultimate Software Hide IP 2010 Full active

Aimersoft.Video.Studio.Express.v1.2.0. + JAMU [Software video editing]

Amazing Full Glass Themes Win7

Animated Wallpaper Maker 2.5.1 [MF]

Any Video Converter Professional 3.1.8 dan Crack[MF]

Aplikasi Kamus Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th Edition (NEW EDITION)[IDWS}

Auto Setting Modem v2.1.2

Autodesk AutoCAD v2010 Full (IIX)

Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 – x86/x64 (DVD) ISO 2010 (No

Autodesk Maya 2011 [MF] (x32/x64) Full

Autodesk maya 2011 win32 & win64

Autodesk AutoCAD 2011[Maknyos]

Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 & 2011[IDWS + Maknyos]

Alcohol. Plus Jamu Maknyos

Alcohol 120% 7 + key (@Mediafire)

Alcohol 120% Retail v2.0.0.1331 Final

Alcohol 120% | Direct | MF |

Alienware Invader [Mengganti Window Media Player Bergaya ALIEN] [window 7]

All In One Hard Disk Utility

All About Kaspersky + patch + keyfinder

Amplitube 3 + Crack

AMS Greeting Card Studio v1.87

Amazing Photo Editor v7.75


Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery 2.3.0 [Maknyos]

Anti ARP 6 [New]

Anti renamer [MF]

Anti Trojan Elite 5 [Maknyos]

Aplikasi Kamus Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th Edition (NEW EDITION)[IDWS]

Aplikasi Pembuat animasi [MF]

Ardamax keylogger ver 3 + Tutorial english


Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3.v3 [EU]

Ashampoo Snap 4 v4.00 - Screen & Video Capture

Ashampoo Snap 3 v3.50 Screen Capture

Ashampoo Snap 3 v3.40

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 [MF]

Astro Gemini - ScreenSavers 3D Collection - 29in1

AVG PC Tune Up 2011 [IDWS|MF]

Avira Premium Security Suite Final

ArtMoney v7.33 [IDWS]

Atomix Virtual DJ Pro v6.1.2 plus crack [Maknyos]

AutoHideIP v4.6.2.6 [IDWS]

AVS Video Converter 6.3 (Incl. Crack)


Bagatrix MATH tools AIO Complete Collection 2010 (MAKNYOS)

BattCursor 1.2 (Penunjuk batrai di kursor) [IDWS]

Beautiful Vista &Win7 Themes,WMP Skins,BootSkins For XP [IDWS]

Best of Audio Converter 2011(All FULL)+Comparison[MAKNYOS]

Best of Video Converter 2011(All FULL) + Comparison[MAKNYOS]

Bikin desktop kayak akuarium, ikannya bisa renang(bkn screensaver)

Billing Explorer ver DeskPro8 Vista7 2010 - by Jais_rafi

Billing System Gratis (link lokal)

Billing Warnet Gratisan (PCMAN)

Billing Warnet 100% Free

Indobilling unlimited

BIT DEFENDER Antivirus 2011 plus patch WORK

Bitdefender Total Security 2011 (sampai tahun 2045)

BitTorrent 7.0.21333 ML Portable [MF]

Booting Windows XP dengan LAN. 6 Komputer hanya dengan 1 harddisk yg berisi OS

Buat Folder jadi warna warni dgn FolderHighlight

Brush For Photoshop

Buat Yg Cari Font Alienware

Buat Icon Sesuka hatimu :) icofxsetup[MF]

Buzan's iMindMap 4.1.2. Ultimate [IDWS Link]

BSplayer Pro 2.56 Build 1043


Kalender Hijriah 1.0

Cara convert dynamic disk to basic disk tanpa hilang data (its Works SUMPAH)


Cara gampang menyembunyikan file

Caricature Photo to Cartoon 5.0.3999.19212[MAKNYOS]

cFosSpeed v6.10 Build 1774 Final (x86-64) [HF|Uploading]

CheatBook-DataBase 2010

Change Logon Picture & start button Win 7

Chaotic Music Maker v1.06-UNION [MaKnYos + Enterupload]

Chief Architecture X2

Cobra Driver Pack 2010 for XP- VISTA-WIN7(all ur driver problem ends here)

Cool Edit Pro 2.1 Full

Cool Screensaver ready to Download

Convert Black & White Pictures to Colored | Black Magic Pro Full Version MEDIAFIRE Fr

Convert flv to mp3

Copy satu website ke dalam komputer kita... + databasenya dan File nya...

CoreAVC H264 Video Codec Pro HD v2.0.0

Corel Draw X5 beserta Keygen -- tested 10 juni 2010 file program ma keygennya terpis

Corel Draw 13 [IDWS]

Corel.Home.Office. + keygen [IDWS]

Corel Painter (Portable)

Corel WordPerfect Office Suite X5 v15.0.0.357

Corel WordPerfect Office Suite X5 v15.0.0.357

Cowon JetAudio - by FOSI mutimedia player yang oke...

Create Bootable USB of Windows XP Vista 7 Seven Install windows from a Bootable USB P

CyberLink PowerDVD 10 Ultra 3D v10.0.1516.51 RETAIL (FULLY ACTIVATED)

CyberLink PowerDVD Mark II 10.0 [IDWS]

Cyberlink Youcam Deluxe V4.0.820.12590 Latest Version [MF]


Daemon Tools Lite + SPTD for windows 7 (iix )(info + Download)

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced v4.40.0311.0197-P2P Full+Silent Install[MF]

Deep freze pass remover terbaru

Deep Freeze Enterprise v6.30 – Anti tembus dan bypass, serta segudang fitur lainnya

Deep Freeze Enterprise + Server

Deep Freeze Standard Edition Edition

Deep Freeze 7.xx All Edition

Desktop Gadget Buat Pecinta Windows 7

Daemon tools lite v4.12.3


Direct X 10 Direct Download MEDIAFIRE Links

DiskTrix UltimateDefrag INCL Portable [IDWS]

DNS Benchmark

Docx Viewer (simple)

Download All Free Windows 7 Bing Themes and Wallpapers

Download As Premium User For Rapidshare,Hotfile,megaupload,uploading

Download Game Emulator Tertua (ZSnes)

Download FreeAudio&Video Softwares

Donlot + Install Office 2010 Ga Pake Repot [MediaFire]

Download Unigine Heaven 2.1 (LOKAL)

Driver acer 4540 untuk windows xp [idws&4s]

Driver Finder and Updater Software AIO | 42.14 Mb[MF]

DriverPacks for All Windows + DriverPacks BASE x86/x32 (2011/ENG/RUS)

DSL Speed v6.5 [Maknyos|IMZ]

DSP,Enchancer, & Plugin Collection for Music Player - Updated! [IDWS|MF|EU][Files]

DVD PixPlay Professional Edition v6.1.6.1124 [MF]

Dukung Gerakan Anti Netcut (GAN) dengan mendownload software ini


EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional 5.0.1 Cracked

Easeus Partition Master (bisa di win7 32/64)

Easy Gif Animator Pro v5.0.242[MF]

Email Spoofer [MF]

enhance my se7en pro v2.8.1 2010 (plus jamu )

eRightSoft SUPER © (May 2, 2010) [Software Buat Convert-Convert VIDEO]

ESET NOD32 Antivirus v4.2.22.0b

ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 4.0.468.0 Crack

ESET Smart Security Lovers - Official Thread



FaceBook Blaster Pro

Face Recognition Luxand Blink! Pro v2.3[IDWS]

Faronics Deep Freeze Enterprise/Deep Freeze Server Enterprise v7.10.270.3176[IIX][M]

File Renamer Deluxe (tool buat rename multi file/folder)

FinalWire AIDA64 Business Edition - Portable

FinalWire AIDA64 Extreme Edition - Portable

Firefox Setup 3.6.6 update

Firefox 3.6.3 Strata40 Longhorn

Firefox 4.0 Beta 4 [link maknyos]

Fire Fox 4.0 Beta 10

Firegraphic 10.x.xx mirip acdsee

FreeRapid Downloader 0.83 (free download at over 132 web sharing)[IDWS]

FlippingBook PDF Publisher + Patch

Fl studio 9[mf]

Fix for windows 7 v.4 (maknyos)

Fotoslate4 Photo Printing,App Buat Cetak Pas Photo Sendiri (2x3, 3x4, 4x6) [Maknyos]

Foxit PDF Editor 2.2 Build 0205 [x7]

Foxit Phantom 2

Foxit PDF Editor 2.2.1 Build 1119 + Serial [IDWS]

Foobar2000 Customize - Skins, Components, Configurations

Format Factory v2.45 [Maknyos]

Folder Lock 6.5.2

Fraps 3.2.2 RETAIL


Free Studio


GADMEI - 14.9 Mb [Maknyos]

Glary Utilities Pro v2.17.0.776 + Keygen

Game Booster Premium 2.2 Final + Serial-Patch [IDWS][MAKNYOS][MF]

Game Maker Official Thread -- Indonesia membuat game

GetDataBack 4 + serial [IDWS]

GIF Resize

Google Chrome 7.0.503.0 Canary NEW 2010

Google Chrome OS

Google Translator

Google Translate Client v4.7.435

Guitar Pro v5.2[Software]

Guitar Pro 6 Full [RS+HF+2 [Mirrors]


Handy Recovery 4.0 (crack included)

Haxalot Hack Pack - incl. Hexbot v2 by Bull Moose (Formerly Atomical)

HDD Regenerator [ Untuk Memperbaiki Bad Sector ] Always Updated

HDD Temperature 4.0.24

HDTune Pro 4.5

Helium Music Manager network alternatif jetaudio

Hemat tinta printermu hingga 75% dengan InkSaver

Hiren's BootCD v1.0 Ind Ver by rushz

Hot DIRECT! Seven Transformation Pack 4.0

How to Undeepfreeze 7 working 100% with Remote Task Manager


Idailydairy... software buat yang hobi nulis catatan harian...

ID Disk Protector

Idm download manager 5.19 build x [update]

IE Tester

ImTOO.DVD.Ripper.Ultimate. [IDWS]

InPaint! Menghilangkan Bagian2 Tertentu Pada Foto! [Maknyos]

Internet Cell Boost 3.0 [MF]

Internet Download Accelerator & CFoSSpeed Traffic Shaping - Updated! [IDWS]

Installing VRAY 2010 1.5 SP4

Instant Photo Sketch 1.0 [IDWS|MF|Maknyos]

Internetan Super Cepat (Setup Super Speed Internet V.1.28)

IObit Toolbox Portable [IDWS]

Iseng rubah tampilan windows Vista jd windows 7 (NO windowsblinds! msstyles only)

istealer 6.3 portable (MF)

iZ3D-Media Player Classic, mainkan semua videomu dalam 3D mode


Jail Dengan The Ultimate Virus 1.20

JAWS 10.0.1 program pembaca layar komputer atau laptop [IDWS]

Join,Splitter & Editting with Xilisoft Video Editor v1.0.34.1218 Full


K-pop Screensaver Collection Update terus

Kamus Inggris-Indo, Indo-Inggris Lumayan Bagus

KBBI ( Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) Offline

KARYA ANAK NEGERI software untuk merubah menjadi aksara jawa

Kaspersky Bugs Fix v3.3 (Patch) [Mediafire]

Kaspersky key maniak 2.3.1

Keygen Billing Explorer 2010 Deskpro8 Vista7

KEYLOGGER 100% WORK cek logs lewat email

KeyTweak - Keyboard remap

KMPlayer XCV Edition Multilanguage - Recomended For Media Player (IDWS)

Koleksi Music Prodution stuff ( Vst ,Expansion pack, DAW, dll)

Koleksi portable ku

Konversi cepat dan akurat PDF ke word

Komputer di dalam browser


Last Bit Windows Password Pro

LimeWire Basic 5.5.10

Lingvosoft Dictionary English Indonesia + Patch (Kamus Elektronik Terlengkap)

Light Artist 1.5 (x32 - x64) + Portable [Maknyos]

Live7 MaintenanceBoX CD 2010

LRC software untuk membuat Lyric lagu


Magic dvd ripper 5.5 full IDWS!!!!!

Malwarebytes Anti Malware 1.50

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware + BoNuS

Mathworks Matlab R2010a ISO-TBE (WIN/UNIX)

McAfee 2010 + serial [Maknyos]

Mediafire Auto Downloader[IDWS] [MF]

Menganalisa Terjadinya Blue Screen Of Death

MEMPERCEPAT DOWNLOAD (Premium Link Generator ) TESTED!!!

Megapolitan 2009-2010 [Portable]

Membuat Web Flash Itu Mudah

Merubah Tampilan Desktop Menjadi Kubus 3D

MegaISO - Multiboot Recovery CD AIO [RS+MU+MF+EU]

Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 integrated

MicroAdobe PDF Editor v5.2 Full

Microsft Security Essentials v.2.0.375.0 Beta x86 & x64

Microsft Security Essentials anti virus gratis dari Microsoft

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Full Version Download Links MEDIAFIRE Links

MicroAdobe PDF Editor v5.2 Full

Minitab 16

Mipony Download Manager Free

MIRC v7.02 BETA WinAll Cracked-CRD [HF][MF]

Mozilla Firefox 4.0 beta 1

Movie Collector 7.1 Build 4 Pro - Cara Keren Ngatur File Film mu!

Mp3 Tagger

Mudahnya membuat Label dan sampul CD

MS Office 2010 32-bit Pre-Activated & Pre-Cracked ISO MEDIAFIRE Free Download Links


Natata E book Compiler v2.1 (Membuat E Book dengan Fomat exe)

Navicat premium 9

New KasperSkyPure

New link Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.5.1

New Latest Update CCleaner and Silverlight Maknyos

NEW Windows 8 ( Code name Midori ) - Beta.Ver

New- Winlame 2010 Beta2 (freeware)

Nero 9 Reloaded ( Full -Win 7 Compatible

Nero Burning Rom 10.0.11100.10.100+Nero Lite v10.0.13100@mediafire

Nero Multimedia Suite 10.0.13100 Plus Nero 10 Lite [HF|MU|RS][Files]

New!!! All In One Browsers and Plugins Collection (February 2010)[Mediafire]

NetBook Lambat??? Gunakan SysTweak Netbook Optimizer latest Version [Maknyos | MF]

Networx (network bandwith monitor)

NetScream [Optimalkan Kecepatan Koneksi Internet][MF]

Nih software antik

Nonton Video di YouTube pasti Lancar Pake software Bywifi Video Accelerator

Norton AntiVirus dan Internet Security 2010

Norton AntiVirus 2011 - FINAL and CRACKED!

Norton 360 v 4.2 Full Version

Norton 360 Collector Edition

NTI Ninja v4.1.0.7-AHCU [Program Proteksi Data di Flashdisk/USB]


[Official Thread]Microsoft Visio, Project & Publisher 2010 - Updated [IDWS|Maknyos]

[Official Thread]IDM Download Manager 5.XX, 6XX - Updated!! [IDWS|MF|Maknyos]

[Official Thread]Program-Program Retail - PREACTIVED[HF|Uploading|Filesonic|FS|MF]

Omnimo - Tampilan desktop jadi mirip Windows Phone 7

One Piece, Death Note, Conan, Bleach, Akastsuki Theme For XP

Opera ( Plugin )

Optimalkan Window dan Koneksi Internet agan dengan TwekNow WinSecret 2011

OrgPassword 3.3 Full + Portable By T3D1 M3M4N6 C00L [Maknyos]

Over 9500+ Serials & 800+ Keygens-->AIO


Paket Hemat avast! Antivirus 5.1.861 Pre-Final+avast! Internet Security 5.1.861

Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.0 (free)

Panda Antivirus 2009 with patch Included [RS]

Pepakura Designer [makyoss]

Password Unlocker All-iN-OnE (9-iN-OnE)

PC Booster v7.0 Full Version FREE MEDIAFIRE Download Links

Pc Media Antivirus Latest version

PC Security 6.4 full [Maknyos]

PDF Suite Professional Edition 2010 v9

PDF-Unlocker 1.0.4 [IDWS] (Buka PDF ga bisa di copas/print/ter-password)

Photoshop CS5 portable [MF]

Photodex ProShow Gold v4.0.2533 Full Incl.Keygen

Photo To Cartoon

Photo Shine v3.3 + Jamu

Photo MovieTheater 2.20 Portable

Pidgin 2.7.3 Multi messenger [LINK LOKAL]

Pilih sendiri anti trojan kesayanganmu biar komputermu lebih aman


Photo Calendar v2.01 Portable

Photo DVD Slideshow Professional buat album foto dengan mudah

Photo instrument v3.4 portable

Photo Calendar v2.01 Portable

Platinum Hide IP

Plugin Pemutar Lagu Di Yahoo Messenger

PowerPoint Templates by Dennis Wang and PowerFinish

Premium Link Generator - Mempercepat Download [IDWS|MF]

Pro facebook hack v1.5 new september 2010

Product Key Explorer (full) terbaru... pencari serial number di komputermu...

Process Hacker 2.5 (lebih lengkap dari Task Manager) [IDWS]

Program tester flashdisk | USB Flash Drive Tester v1.14 [MF]

Promo Lisensi Resmi 2011 [UPDATED], SIAPA CEPAT DIA DAPAT T_T

Protect Data & Folder Kamu dgn Erfasoft BitSec Secure Folder v2.6.0[Maknyos|MF]

Plugin 3Ds Max 2010


Quick Hide IP 1.0 [Menyembunyikan IP Tanpa Membuat Lambat Browsing]

QUICKBOOK 5.0 program jadul yang di cari

Quran Flash Tajwid...!! yg mau lancar ngajinya...dijamin..!!


RECOMENDED Windows 7 Logon Reworked!!Don't Miss it

Remote Manager Super Canggih = NetSupport Manager last Version [MAKNYOS]

Rapidcheck generator (MF)

Real Hide IP [Sembunyikan IP,Browsing Di Web Dengan Aman][IDWS]

Real Hide IP [MF]

Real Player 11 Gold

Registry Booster 2010 + Serial

Registry Lite (MF)

Resetter Printer ALmosT ALL Epson ModeL

RUBIK SOLVE SOFTWARE .. (buat penggemar rubik)



[Share]All Namsadin Software/Aplikasi Edisi 2010[HF]

[Share]Almeza Multiset Pro 7.1.353

[Share]Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Gaul Untuk menerjemahkan beberapa kata-kata gaul

[Share]Cara membuat PC menyapamu saat LOGIN!! [RECOMENDED]

[Share]Collection of drivers for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 x86/x64 (Fileserve)

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[Share]Koleksi Fonts + PowerPoint 2007 Templates Keren [MF upload by Me]

[Share]Lock Folder XP Manual

[Share]NoteZilla 7 ( buat yang suka buat note ) :D

[Share]Official Thread - Microsoft Office 2010

[Share]Plugin Photoshop Yang Gue Pakek

[share]Primavera v.6

[SHARE]Windows 7 AMAZING THEMES [RECOMENDED] See yourself!!!

Satellite TV PC Master 6.0.2

Screen Saver 3D

Script Untuk Mengamankan Flashdisk Dari Virus

Secure Disc Creator [Burning CD/DVD dengan Password - biar Gak dibajak]

Setup Factory 8.1 + smart install maker

Shortcut Key "Show Hidden Files"

Simple sql injection

Skin & Plugin Untuk Windows Media Player (All Version) [Resumable Link]

SkyDriverXP September 9 - Instalasi Driver untuk semua mainboard dengan 1 Klik

Skype 4.2

SlideshowZilla : mudah buat Gallery Slide Show untuk Website

SlimBrowser->browser berukuran kecil [IDWS LINK]

Slysoft AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD (Updated)

SlySoft AnyDVD / HD >> Bobol Proteksi DVD & Audio CD [Always Update]

Smadav 8.2 + jamu

SmartFTP 4.0 Build 1115 (x32/x64)+E World Tech ASP.NET Maker v8.0.1[MF][HF]

SmartKey Password Recovery Tools 5.0.0

Splash PRO - The Ultimate HD player!

StuffIt Deluxe 2010

Super Internet TV v9.0.0 Premium Edition (NEW) - Nonton TC Lewat Internet

Start Menu 7,xp Pro 3.67 (MF)

Stardock Object Desktop 2010

Stardock CursorFX 2.0 Plus 150 Themes

Stereoscopic.Player.v1.5.5 (mainkan semua videomu dalam 3D mode II)

Stereo tool v4.22 plugin for winamp

Shining Morning Magic Camera

Style XP men 3.19 [IX]

Subtitle Edit 2.9.2

Super Internet TV v9.0.0 Premium Edition (NEW) - Nonton TC Lewat Internet

Software Absend [IDWS]

Software Buat bikin Karikatur (SiiiiP Tenan) Caricature Studio

Software buat rubah mp3 ke waf dan sebaliknya

Softonic Downloader+ acc rs inside,Serial,Keygen,Path [IX][Files]

Software kirim SMS dgn AutoResponder (balas otomatis)


Software pembuat icon plus jamu

Software presentasi alternatif [maknyos]

Software untuk pelajaran kimia

Sothink SWF Decompiler

Sonne DVD Burner v4.3.0.2082

Sony Photo Go 1.0 - Last Version

SonySound Forge Pro v10a Build 425

Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum v10.0.191 [HF]

Software kirim SMS dgn AutoResponder (balas otomatis)

Software SMS Gratis

Software Teknik Sipil (CivilEngineering)

SOFTWARE2 TERBARU 2010 | SINGLE LINK | Bisa Resume | Bisa Request

Software TypingMaster Pro 7 + Serial

StorageCrypt >>> Password protect removable and external drive <<<

STDU Converter 2.x

SPSS 16 buat yang lagi kuliah + SPSS 17

Spss 18

SPSS Statistics 19

Swish Max 4 Full Installer + Portable[MF|DL]

System Utilities TERLENGKAP = Spotmau PowerSuite | MAKNYOS


Team Viewer, Pengganti R-Admin

Tell Me More Japanese [Link IDWS]

Temp File Cleaner 3.0.4

TeraCopy 2.12 Icl. Key

Tell Me More Japanese [Link IDWS]

Theme Keren buat Win 7

TITLE: OrbiDownloadert/Internet Download Manager Portable Launcher

Tipard Software Pack (v4.0.10)

Tips Memaksimalkan Kecepatan XP Dengan Tampilan Desktop Yang Menarik

Tool resetter ALL Canon seri MP, IP & Resetter Printer Epson

Top Internet Browser 2010 [Portable Edition

Total Video Converter V3.5.0

Tweak Koneksi Internet dengan Tweak Master Pro

Tuneup Utilities 2010 - Updated [IDWS|MF|HF][Files]

TuneUp Utilities 2011 Beta DE NEW

Tutorial Rubah Tampilan Windows XP, Tanpa Bikin Berat PC / Laptop Anda


UltraISO Premium Edition v9.3.6.2750

Uniblue PowerSuite 2010 Incl Key

Uniblue-powersuite-2011-full-version ( lengkap jamu nya )

Uninstall Tool v2.9.7 Build 5118[MF]

Universal Windows Drivers Package for Notebooks and PC

Upgrade Flashdisk 1GB to 2GB

USB Disk Security V5.3.0.36 Serial (MF)

USB Safely Remove Final [makyos]

Usb safety remove lover's

USB Safely Remove v. 4.5 Multilingual Final [Full Version]

USB Over Network v4.4 [Server + Client] Incl Keygen sharing usb dengan mudah


V-Ray for SketchUp 1.48.93 Full

Vector Sexy Girls Theme for win 7

VGA Driver

Video DVD Maker PRO v3.22.0.60

Video Edit Magic 4.47

Video Player , Codec, Converter, Encoder & Subtitle Tools [Updated]

Video to GIF... Converter

Virtual CD 10

VirtuaGirl HD --- (WITH CRACK) Strippers on your desktop[Mediafire]

Vista Master, Aplikasi tweak untuk windows Vista

Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition (x86 and x64 WoW) - DVD (English)[FILES]


WebCam biasa bs jadi Sistem Pengawasan dg Motion dan Sound detection[MAKNYOS]

Win7codecs 2.6.0

Winamp 2010 plus skin editor (MF)

Winamp Pro 2010 v5.572 Build 2830 Final - Multilingual - Full

Windows 7 bahasa indo release

Windows 7 OEM Theme and Wallpaper For Notebook (Original) Exclusive

Windows 7 Manager v.1.2.5 + Jamu [Maknyos]

Windows 7 Loader By DAZ 2010

Windows se7en new themes complete [june 2010]

Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation.v1.9.0040.0.C RACKED.REPACK

Windows XP/Vista dan 7 aktifator (Work 100%) SIMPLE & ENJOY (MF)

Windows Vista Activator 2010 For All Vista

WinRar.2010.Pro.Final.CW.CRACKED + Themes

winstep nexus ultimate v10.7 [MF]

Wondershare QuizCreator software bikin soal Pelajaran (buat bpk/ibu guru)

Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate v5.4.1.0 [Maknyos]


Xara Photo & Graphic Designer

Xilisoft AIO 02.01.2010 [UF]

Xilisoft.Video.Converter.Ultimate.[IDWS, RS, HF]

XP ICE Themes For XP[MF]

Xpress Point Of Sale Program Transaksi Kasir

XYplorer 9.90.0100+Portable Incl.Keygen - Update terus..[MF]


Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager v1.2.4 Incl Keymaker-CORE [IDWS]

Yahoo Messenger Plug-Ins for Many Players (Music+Audio)


ZBrush 4.0 (tools untuk 3D mirip 3DSMax)

Zentimo xStorage Manager - Alternatif Pangganti USB Safely Remove [DDL|MF]

Zentimo Penerus dari USB Safely Remove yang LEbiH BaGUs dan ToB

ZIP Password Unlocker (mf)

ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2010 + Keygen

Zoner Photo Studio Professional v12.10 [Maknyos]